




氮化鎵場效應晶體管(GaN FET)




Intelligent outdoor street lighting

Traditionally street lights were simple timer based solutions, but to further increase efficiency and reduce costs intelligent outdoor street lighting has increasingly becoming the norm. This enables lights to be automatically switched on and off depending on various sensor data - ambient light conditions, approaching vehicles or pedestrians, etc. While high pressure sodium vapor (HPS) lamps can still be found in many industrial and agricultural applications, to further reduce costs street lamps are increasingly switching to LED lamps. In addition street lamps can include functionality such as public WIFI, video surveillance, alarm detection, and 5G base stations.

Block diagram

Highlighted components are Nexperia focus products


  • 開始采用PWM驅動無刷直流電機控制
  • 電機驅動MOSFET必須以低RDSon和良好的熱阻抗來滿足峰值高電流需求
  • 如果過載情況會降低電池和柵極電壓,則可能需要具有強線性模式性能的MOSFET來提供反向電池保護
  • MOSFET可能需要滿足UL2595等的具體間距要求
  • 為小尺寸優化的電荷平衡MOSFET,通常裝在可移動電池組中——每個電池一個

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Why is in some cases the clamping voltage lower than the break down voltage?

Let Dr. Andreas Hardock, application Marketing Manager for ESD and EMC at Nexperia, show you why a low clamping voltage is key in protecting your circuitry.