




氮化鎵場效應晶體管(GaN FET)





通過使用I2C GPIO擴展器充分提高系統設計重復利用能力

當需要擴展I/O數量時,利用我們的NCA95xx系列通用I/O (GPIO)擴展器可實現簡潔的設計,同時盡可能減少互連。這些GPIO擴展器采用TSSOP24和HWQFN24封裝,具有多種功能,包括中斷、硬件復位、內部上拉電阻和可配置上拉電阻。這些GPIO擴展器的優勢包括具備非常低的靜態功耗,并可通過減少走線和簡化布線降低PCB設計復雜性,從而降低BOM成本。


  • 單電源GPIO擴展器,支持1.65 V至5.5 V工作電源電壓范圍
  • 通過I²C協議可實現串行到并行(SDA至P0-P16)和并行到串行(P0-P16)轉換
  • 在SCL和SDA輸入處,施密特觸發器動作可實現較慢的輸入轉換并提供更好的開關噪聲抗擾度。
  • 低功耗:2.5 µA(最大值)
  • 工作頻率:400 kHz(FM I²C模式)
  • 5 V容差I/O和16個I/O引腳,默認為16路輸入
  • 無毛刺上電,所有通道均配置為弱上拉電阻輸入
  • 鎖存輸出,具有25 mA最大驅動能力,可直接驅動LED
  • 極性反轉寄存器
  • 外部復位引腳用于復位狀態機和內部寄存器
  • SCL和SDA輸入提供噪聲濾波器
  • 封裝選項:TSSOP24和HWQFN24
  • 額定溫度范圍為-40 °C至+85 °C和-40 °C至+125 °C


  • 服務器和路由器
  • 電視和硬件控制監控器
  • 游戲機和無人機
  • 電池供電應用
  • 汽車應用(ADAS、VCU、DCU和BCM)
  • 監控攝像頭
  • 電信設備


I2C General-Purpose I/O (GPIO)


型號 描述 狀態 快速訪問
NCA9535BY Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus low-power I/O expander with interrupt output and configuration registers Production
NCA9535BY-Q100 Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus low-power I/O expander with interrupt output and configuration registers Production
NCA9535PW Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus low-power I/O expander with interrupt output and configuration registers Production
NCA9535PW-Q100 Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus low-power I/O expander with interrupt output and configuration registers Production
NCA9539BY Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus low-power I/O expander with interrupt output, reset pin and configuration registers Production
NCA9539BY-Q100 Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus low-power I/O expander with interrupt output, reset pin and configuration registers Production
NCA9539PW Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus low-power I/O expander with interrupt output, reset pin and configuration registers Production
NCA9539PW-Q100 Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus low-power I/O expander with interrupt output, reset pin and configuration registers Production
NCA9555BY Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O expander with interrupt output and configuration registers Production
NCA9555BY-Q100 Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O expander with interrupt output and configuration registers Production
NCA9555PW Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O expander with interrupt output and configuration registers Production
NCA9555PW-Q100 Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O expander with interrupt output and configuration registers Production
NCA9595PW Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O expander with interrupt output, configuration registers and programmable pull-up resistors Production
NCA9595PW-Q100 Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O expander with interrupt output, configuration registers and programmable pull-up resistors Production
PCA9535PW Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus low-power I/O expander with interrupt output and configuration registers Production
PCA9539PW Low-voltage 16-bit I2C and SMBus low-power I/O expander with interrupt output, reset pin and configuration registers Production
PCA9555PW Low-voltage 16-bit I2C-bus I/O port with interrupt and weak pull-up Production
Visit our documentation center for all documentation

Leaflet (1)

文件名稱 標題 類型 日期
Leaflet_SOT8065_Minilogic.pdf Leaflet_SOT8065 Minilogic Leaflet 2024-11-15

Outline 3d (1)

文件名稱 標題 類型 日期
sot355-1_3d.png plastic, thin shrink small outline package; 24 leads; 0.65 mm pitch; 7.8 mm x 4.4 mm x 1.1 mm body Outline 3d 2021-06-10

Software (2)

文件名稱 標題 類型 日期
NCA95XX_EVB_Software.zip NCA95XX EVB GUI Software 2023-03-12
NCA95XX_Arduino_Sketches.zip NCA95XX Arduino? Sketch Examples Software 2023-03-12

User manual (2)

文件名稱 標題 類型 日期
UM90016.pdf NCA95xx GPIO expander EVB (Arduino? shield compatible) User manual 2024-02-23
UM90017.pdf NCA95XX Evaluation Board: Quick-Start Guide User manual 2023-01-18


