




氮化鎵場效應晶體管(GaN FET)





650 V, 50 mΩ Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET

The GAN063-650WSA is a 650 V, 50 mΩ Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET. It is a normally-off device that combines Nexperia’s state-of-the-art high-voltage GaN HEMT and low-voltage silicon MOSFET technologies — offering superior reliability and performance.


Features and benefits

  • Ultra-low reverse recovery charge

  • Simple gate drive (0 V to +10 V or 12 V)

  • Robust gate oxide (±20 V capability)

  • High gate threshold voltage (+4 V) for very good gate bounce immunity

  • Very low source-drain voltage in reverse conduction mode

  • Transient over-voltage capability (800 V)


  • Hard and soft switching converters for industrial and datacom power

  • Bridgeless totempole PFC

  • PV and UPS inverters

  • Servo motor drives


型號 Package version Package name Product status Configuration Channel type Nr of transistors VDS [max] (V) RDSon [max] @ VGS = 10 V (mΩ) Tj [max] (°C) ID [max] (A) QGD [typ] (nC) QG(tot) [typ] @ VGS = 10 V (nC) Ptot [max] (W) Qr [typ] (nC) VGSth [typ] (V) Automotive qualified Ciss [typ] (pF) Coss [typ] (pF) Release date
GAN063-650WSA SOT429 TO-247-3 End of life cascode N 1 650 60 175 34.5 4 15 143 125 3.9 N 1000 130 2019-11-17


下表中的所有產品型號均已停產 。

型號 可訂購的器件編號,(訂購碼(12NC)) 狀態 標示 封裝 外形圖 回流焊/波峰焊 包裝
GAN063-650WSA GAN063-650WSAQ
Discontinued / End-of-life GAN063 650WSA SOT429
SOT429 SOT429_127


下表中的所有產品型號均已停產 。

型號 可訂購的器件編號 化學成分 RoHS RHF指示符
GAN063-650WSA GAN063-650WSAQ GAN063-650WSA rohs rhf

文檔 (19)

文件名稱 標題 類型 日期
GAN063-650WSA 650 V, 50 mOhm Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET Data sheet 2020-07-31
AN90004 Probing considerations for fast switching applications Application note 2019-11-15
AN90005 Understanding Power GaN FET data sheet parameters Application note 2020-06-08
AN90006 Circuit design and PCB layout recommendations for GaN FET half bridges Application note 2019-11-15
AN90021 Power GaN technology: the need for efficient power conversion Application note 2020-08-14
AN90030 Paralleling of Nexperia cascode GaN FETs in half-bridge topology Application note 2023-03-22
AN90030_translated ハーフブリッジ?トポロジーにおけるNexperia製GaN FETの並列 Application note 2023-04-03
SOT429 3D model for products with SOT429 package Design support 2023-03-13
TO-247_SOT429_mk plastic, single-ended through-hole package; 3 leads; 5.45 mm pitch; 20.45 mm x 15.6 mm x 4.95 mm body Marcom graphics 2019-02-19
SOT429 plastic, single-ended through-hole package; 3 leads; 5.45 mm pitch; 20.45 mm x 15.6 mm x 4.95 mm body Package information 2020-04-21
GAN063-650WSA GAN063-650WSA SPICE model SPICE model 2019-02-18
TN00008 Power MOSFET frequently asked questions and answers Technical note 2024-08-09
TN90004 An insight into Nexperia Power GaN technology – Applications, quality, reliability and scalability Technical note 2020-07-21
GAN063-650WSA_RC_thermal_Model GAN063-650WSA RC thermal Model Thermal design 2019-02-18
GAN063-650WSA_Cauer GAN063-650WSA Cauer thermal model Thermal model 2021-04-07
GaN063-650WSA GaN041-650WSA Foster thermal model Thermal model 2021-04-02
nexperia_whitepaper_gan_need_for_efficient_conversion White paper: Power GaN technology: the need for efficient power conversion White paper 2020-07-23
nexperia_whitepaper_gan_need_for_efficient_conversion_CHN 白皮書: 功率GaN技術: 高效功率轉換的需求 White paper 2020-08-17
nexperia_whitepaper_gan_need_for_efficient_conversion_Japanese Whitepaper: GaN need for efficient conversion (Japanese) White paper 2021-05-20


如果您需要設計/技術支持,請告知我們并填寫 應答表 我們會盡快回復您。


文件名稱 標題 類型 日期
GAN063-650WSA GAN063-650WSA SPICE model SPICE model 2019-02-18
GAN063-650WSA_RC_thermal_Model GAN063-650WSA RC thermal Model Thermal design 2019-02-18
GAN063-650WSA_Cauer GAN063-650WSA Cauer thermal model Thermal model 2021-04-07
GaN063-650WSA GaN041-650WSA Foster thermal model Thermal model 2021-04-02
SOT429 3D model for products with SOT429 package Design support 2023-03-13

How does it work?

The interactive datasheets are based on the Nexperia MOSFET precision electrothermal models. With our interactive datasheets you can simply specify your own conditions interactively. Start by changing the values of the conditions. You can do this by using the sliders in the condition fields. By dragging the sliders you will see how the MOSFET will perform at the new conditions set.