Order your free cobot samples today
And find out yourself how the right products ensure greater reliability and efficiency for your cobot design.

Ensuring reliability for your cobot design
The dynamic collaborative robot and robotics industry is setting new standards and requirements in performance, safety, efficiency, and reliability of designs. This can be seen in areas as factory automation, smart farming, modern warehousing and a wide range of end consumer products and services.
Selecting the right products, enables manufacturers to stay ahead and to ensure minimal downtimes and maximum performance.
Find out how you can design reliability and efficiency into your motor control and motor drive applications. With the below MOSFETS selector tool for BLDC motor drives, you can identify the devices that suits your design best and get free samples.

Cobots engineering guarantees greater reliability and efficiency
This article, published by Electrónica, looks at the practical considerations of motor drive technology for cobots, with a focus on reliability and efficiency. Discover key design decisions that are critical to a safe and economical system. These include precise control strategies, optimally sized motors and the central role of high-quality semiconductors to ensure the efficient and reliable operation of cobots in an emerging and dynamic market.
Gain deeper insight into the design requirements for motor drive and motor control units in robotic applications and identify the optimal combination of packaging technology for your design.
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